flower fairies

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Molly and our sweet young friend Caroline spend time together regularly, and I was so pleased to capture this shot of the pair just before they parted ways a few days ago. Miss C is always pleased as punch to have a creative partner and playmate and never wants to say goodbye. I think she believes Molly is a little bit magical … Just look at the crown and “purses” M helped craft!

For years now, Molly has had “little sister” on her birthday and Christmas wish list. In this last year, she has upped the ante: “I don’t want just one; I want a whole bunch of small people! I just like them so much!” But I know that she partly feels this way because she’s privileged to know such good kids like Caroline. She realizes that children aren’t such a joy to be around just because of their chubby cheeks, quick grins, and tight hugs but also because of their honesty, innocence, and good natures when they are raised with love, affection, and the best of intentions.

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